Becoming More Like Christ
Becoming More Like Christ By Carolyn Dale Newell Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, Philippians 2:5 NKJV The desire of every...
Testimonial Thursday: Broken to Whole at the Cross
Today on the blog, Susie Hamilton shares her testimony with us. Thank you, Susie for your obedience to God and your bravery to share. I grew up in a...
The Obstacle Standing Between Us and God’s Promise
When Covid restrictions began, they told us it would be over in a matter of weeks. Weeks turned into months. I watched my full calendar of events vanish. An obstacle stood between me and God’s promise to use me as a speaker.
Genesis chapter fifteen opens as God told Abram not to fear. God hadn’t changed his name to Abraham yet. Abram had just returned from a rescue mission for his nephew, Lot. There’s nothing like warring kings or a pandemic to make you think twice about your mortality.
If it’s a Foolish Thing…
Are You Free From Your Feelings?
She gave a warning. Her comment might be insensitive. As a blind woman, I think I can handle most questions about my sight, but that one opened up a wound. It stung throughout the day. It followed me to bed where I cried out to God, “Give me Your Word tonight to replace the lie.”
My daughter, here you go:
A Must Read for Moms With Wayward Children
I have an on-again-Off-again relationship with my daughter, but for eight years we had no contact. I know the heartache of a wayward child...
Guide Dog Tale:Guided by the Master
Guided by the Master Trust in the Lord with all your heart,And lean not on your own understanding;In all your ways acknowledge Him,And He shall...
Throwback Thursday: From Scars to Strength
FROM SCARS TO STRENGTH By Carolyn Dale Newell Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, For in you do I trust? Cause me to know the way...
Pass the Salt Please
My cousin, Eddie, told me that it is definitely possible to lead a horse to water, and yes, you can even make him drink. Salt increases thirst, so you mix 1 teaspoon of salt with two tablespoons of apple sauce. Use a syringe and squirt the mixture on the back of the horse’s tongue. The salt increases the horse’s thirst.
Christians are the salt of the earth, but our salt cannot stay in the shaker. We have to sprinkle our salt around. Salt is still a preservative, but at the time Jesus preached His Sermon on the Mount, there were no refrigerators. Salt was the primary way to prevent meat from spoiling. Likewise, Christians are a spiritual preservative. Our saltiness should slow down the spiritual and moral decay in this world.