
The Disappointment That Changed My Life

“Why God? Why did You allow this to happen?” I could scream now that I was safe in my house. Sobs began as I demanded my answer.
Minutes before, I had searched desperately for the curb, unaware I was in the middle of the street. No present danger existed on the deserted streets. When I discovered I was on the wrong side going in the opposite direction, fear overwhelmed me. My own neighborhood, void of sidewalks, seemed foreign.
I momentarily considered becoming a hermit. A safe place for a legally blind woman was in her house, only venturing out on the arm of my husband. I loved my walks too much to abandon them. Besides, they were the only independence I possessed.

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Has Our Enemy Been Destroyed?

Today, a lot of “What if?” questions traveled through my mind. Do you know the type? I try not to entertain them often, nor the thoughts that come from a place of fear. God does not give us a spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1:7).
Then I read this verse. It states that our enemy, the devil, has been destroyed. Did you read that part? Why then, does he continue to stir up so much trouble?

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Can We Control Fear?

Terrorists no longer need planes. They can mow people over using a truck. The police who normally keep us safe are now being targeted, ambushed and killed. It can happen anytime and anywhere. Public bathrooms have become a hiding place for sexual predators. Our world no longer feels safe, and that frightens us.

Fear paralyzes us, keeping us from moving forward for Christ while it hinders us from achieving our dreams. It is one of Satan’s weapons. However, weapons may be formed against us, but they will not prosper (Is. 54:17 NKJV).

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Alpha and Omega

As a child, I played with my little wooden blocks. Each block portrayed a letter of the alphabet. I could use them to create words or build a castle.
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and Omega is the last. When Jesus Christ declared “I am the Alpha and Omega,” He meant He consisted of everything from A to Z. We often use that term to describe something that contains all the information on a subject.
With twenty-six letters in the English alphabet, we create myriads of words. All words come from those twenty-six letters. We cannot create a word or a book without them, and we can’t find total fulfillment apart from Jesus Christ.

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This Will Help You Shine As Lights in a Dark World

Before you read any further, get all your complaints and rants out of your system. That’s right, say it out loud, because this might be your last complaint. I wish it could be that easy to stop. It’s a nasty habit we inherited from our Israelite forefathers. Never mind that we aren’t Jewish.

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