The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.

Psalm 37:23 NKJV

What is your destiny? Several synonyms for destiny include: fate, future, circumstances, and inevitability ( God has a destiny for each of us. It consists of His plan for our life and our future. But the question is; are we fulfilling God’s destiny?

I have selected destiny as my word for 2020. Recently, I’ve contemplated my destiny. There’s no doubt what it is. God’s plan for me centers around writing and speaking in order to advance His kingdom. My purpose is to edify and lift up believers in a world filled with discouragement.

Yes, I’m on the right track with God, but how am I getting there? At what speed am I traveling? Many mornings I struggle to get motivated. My heart wants to write, but my flesh resists. My get-up-and-go has got up and went. I beg God to reignite my passion and fill me with a renewed energy.

Someone else may possess the energy I lack, but fear holds them back. Perhaps, they doubt God, and they are frozen, unable to walk in His calling.

As I read a devotional by Dr. Tony Evans from his book, “Called for a Purpose,” his analogy intrigued me. Imagine yourself as a boxcar on a train. The boxcar is incapable of moving on its own. It needs to be connected to an engine. A powersource. But which engine are we joined to?

As Christians, the only engine leading us should be God. But we get off track. We connect to the engine of culture or the engine of self. I have found I need to check up on which train is leading me periodically, just to avoid a spiritual derailment.

When we are not chugging along the track God has placed us on, we get frustrated. Misery seeps in. We miss out on God’s blessings, and we never feel fulfilled. All because we are linked to the wrong engine.

Several days ago, I saw an amazing contrast between someone connected to the engine of the world and someone connected to God’s engine.

One was a Christian author willing to compromise her writing in order to reach a bigger market and sell mor books. The other was a young street preacher whose life was threatened if he continued to preach. He went right on preaching, and the man who made the threat left, doing him no harm.

That is the difference between fulfilling God’s destiny and fulfilling our own selfish plans. It also contrasts someone who trusts God and someone who doesn’t.

As 2019 winds down, momentarily reflect on the past, the present and the future. Do you know what your destiny is? If not, now is the time to ask God what steps He has purposed for you. My friend, you do have a purpose in life.

Heavenly Father, clear my mind and heart of my desires. Replace them with Your desires. Help me fulfill Your destiny. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Read Romans 8:29 NKJV

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.


Are you connected to the correct engine? What speed are you traveling at? Do you tend to make some pitstops? Trust God to accomplish His destiny in you.


Feeling Overwhelmed? We all do, and that’s why I wrote Overcoming the Overwhelming: Walking in Victorious Faith When You Don’t Feel Victorious, my new 30-day devotional. Join my email list to be entered in upcoming contests for free books. Releasing in January 2020.

Originally posted on December 27, 2019 @ 3:04 am