And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32NKJV)

She gave a warning. Her comment might be insensitive. As a blind woman, I think I can handle most questions about my sight, but that one opened up a wound. It stung throughout the day. It followed me to bed where I cried out to God, “Give me Your Word tonight to replace the lie.”

My daughter, here you go:

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
(Psalm 139:14 NKJV)

I repeated the verse as I fell asleep. By morning, her words had disappeared.

As a child with a disability, kid’s actions screamed labels that I believed: inadequate, not good enough, and unacceptable.  Even as an adult, when I asked for help, I often heard a sigh which screamed burden.

I still have to fight those emotions, even though I have declared freedom from the bondage of rejection. Most days I walk in the victory granted to me by Jesus Christ. I am no longer held by those chains, but the devil tries slipping one over my neck at times. He does the same with fear, worry, and discouragement.

That’s why I found the power of the Sword of the Spirit. Jesus’s death freed us from bondage, but many times we sit in the boat, because it’s comfortable. It feels like we fight the enemy daily, so we deal with emotional bondage. Our moms dealt with it. Most people, even Christians, deal with it, rather than fighting it.

But I ask you today: are you ready to step out of the boat? Nothing’s wrong with sitting in the boat, but Jesus is out on the water. That’s the abundant life. That’s the life void of emotional bondage.

I don’t know about you, my friend, but I grew weary of the bondage. I wanted out, so I stepped out of the boat. I’m offering you, my hand; will you join me on the waves?

It takes more faith to step out of the boat than it does to walk on water.

Lord Jesus, like Peter, I stand at the edge of the boat. I’m done with these feelings jerking me around. I will trust You with a faith that walks on water. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36 NKJV)


What is one step of faith you can take in the face of an emotion tormenting you? I’d love to hear the emotions you are having victory over. Please leave a comment.


Here it is! Here’s the cover reveal to my new book set for release in November 2022.




Originally posted on July 4, 2022 @ 3:16 am