By Carolyn Dale Newell
For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13 NKJV
I am ashamed of the state I live in, Virginia. It was bad enough when New York passed legislation cheerfully to perform abortions right up until the moment of birth, but the governor of Virginia wants to take it to infanticide. Thankfully, this is not the opinion of most Virginians.
In an interview last week, the Virginia governor stated that once the baby is delivered it should be kept comfortable and resuscitated if the parents desire. Then a conversation would ensue between the parents and the physician to reach a decision. That is post-birth abortion. They would do this in cases where the child is born with something such as down syndrome.
Moses was born during a time when Pharaoh ordered all males born to Hebrew women to be killed. After Herod learned about the birth of King Jesus, he ordered the deaths of all male children under the age of two. This past week’s events are no different.
Why does our government protect animals, but they are happy to destroy a human life? One created in the image of God.
While strolling along the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, we came upon a temporary fence protecting a sea turtle nest. Posted on a sign attached to the fence were the penalties for disturbing the protected species. The federal penalties for disturbing a sea turtle, the nest, or the hatchlings include fines and jail time (information from
Why do we as a nation place more value on a sea turtle than a human life?
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” (Jer. 1:5 NKJV)
God knew Jeremiah before He formed him in the womb, prior to conception. God purposed the life of this child. Also notice that God formed the fetus. When you abort a baby, you are killing a masterpiece of God. Then God goes on to say that He sanctified Jeremiah in the womb and ordained him as a prophet. What if Jeremiah’s mother had aborted him?
If you have had an abortion, God will forgive you when you repent. We all have sinned. None are perfect, except Jesus.
I plead to the church. To the pastors and preachers. And yes, even to my fellow bloggers and writers. The church must take a stand. We cannot sit silent any longer. I am unashamed to speak the truth of God. I am not concerned about followers or book sales. I write to serve God, not man.
What about you? When you preached Sunday morning, did you take that stand against abortion? Did you tell your congregation it is sin? Have you stood for unborn babies rather then fearing being unfriended? Church, if we don’t take a stand, Satan will. It is already happening.
Copyright 2019 Carolyn Dale Newell.
Originally posted on July 17, 2020 @ 3:20 am