For you did not receive the spirit of bondag6e again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:15 NKJV)
How do you introduce yourself to someone you meet? Just last week, I said, “Hi, I’m Carolyn Newell, Timmy Newell’s wife.” I knew the lady knew Timmy and that was an important connection. Sometimes I introduce myself as a Christian author and speaker. Perhaps you identify yourself with your children. And yes, I have been called Iva’s mom.
But who do we see ourselves as? A waitress, a nurse, or a volunteer. Who we are matters because Satan spends hours trying to destroy our identity as children of God.
At salvation, God adopted us. As Paul penned these words a Roman adoption was on his mind. In that time, the father of a child gave up all rights when someone adopted his child. The child broke all ties with that family and became the heir of his new father. All ties to our former life were broken when God saved us. We are joint heirs with Christ.
Everything the Father has is ours. We are no longer under the spirit of bondage and sin. We have no reason to fear because we have been adopted into the family of God.
When the enemy slivers up and hisses, “You’re not good enough.” In my ear, I can tell him I am the daughter of God. Of course, I am good enough. When I am tempted to worry about finances, I remind myself who my Father is. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). When I feel unloved and unaccepted, I know that Jesus Christ never rejected me because He died for me.
Christian, our Father is all-powerful. He is the healer of our bodies and the restorer of our broken hearts. Like any good parent, God wants us to run to Him with our problems and our needs.
“Abba” is a term of endearment. It is translated as “Papa” or “Daddy.” God the Father isn’t out of our reach. Our relationship with Him is one of intimacy, and if we don’t feel that bond, it’s not God’s fault. It is our own fault for being distant. God stands ready to bridge that distance.
It might sound silly to introduce myself as Carolyn, the daughter of God, but I need to believe that truth when Satan wants to play mind games.
Before you start down that slippery slope of self-degradation, remember God adopted you. He chose you, and most importantly:
Jesus thought you were worth dying for.
Heavenly Daddy, help me remember I belong to You. Many times, I feel worthless, rejected and unimportant. I am special to You. Not because of anything I have done, but because Of Your great love and sacrifice. Amen.
Read Jeremiah 29:11; John 1:12-13; Romans 8:14-17 and Galatians 4:4-5.
How do you identify yourself? How might identifying yourself as the daughter of God change your self-image?
Understanding God’s love and your identity in Christ helps us win many of our battles. Overcome your emotional battles when you read and apply the principles in Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith. Learn more here!
Originally posted on November 6, 2020 @ 3:00 am