Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Ephesians 6:10 NKJV

How many hats have you worn today? I have been a wife, a writer, a landlady, a speaker, a friend, and a servant of God. Exhausting, isn’t it? Before fulfilling these positions, I must first be a daughter to God.

In Acts chapter sixteen, Luke painted a picture of a godly business woman, Lydia, a seller of purple, an expensive dye used by royalty. Lydia was a woman of fervent prayer. Paul found Lydia and her friends praying on the riverbank on the Sabbath.

Lydia worshiped God with all the truth she knew at that time. As Paul preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Lord opened her heart. Her entire household was baptized along with her.

Next, Lydia was a woman of faith. She was faithful in prayer, worship, and service. She had put complete trust in Jesus., Lydia was also a woman of service. Immediately, she opened her house to Paul and his friends. It became the meeting place for the church in Philippi.

She didn’t allow her career to interfere with her devotion to God. We aren’t told how Lydia balanced a career, a quiet time, and a church in her home. The Bible mentions her household. Therefore, she probably had family or servants to help her. Lydia was the best of both Mary and Martha. In this busy world we live in, we must manage our time wisely. We must guard our schedules, our faith, and our worship so it’s always increasing.

The only way we can manage a full schedule and manage it well is through the strength and power of God. We often think we only need His strength to get us through the difficult times, but we need Him during the daily grind also.

Why would we turn to a section of Scripture concerning spiritual warfare when seeking answers to an overloaded life? Keeping us swamped can be a tactic from our clever enemy.

A full plate often leads to things getting pushed aside, like time with God. It can also leave us cranky, not the godly witness He desires. Busyness causes strife in our families, and we may miss out on some of God’s appointments when we are slammed. Appointments to encourage and love others. The enemy wants us to feel too stretched to lend a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on.

What do we do? We pray: Lord, grant me the strength to make it through this day bringing glory to You. Give me wisdom to say “No” when I need to, and the discernment to know the difference.

God doesn’t just give us power to be super-women. He helps us realize some things are not required. He helps us prioritize. Prayerfully consider your schedule today. Which things make a difference for the kingdom of God? Accomplish them through His power. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but it is not necessary for me to do all things.

Heavenly Father, thank You for including Lydia in the Bible. Help us to be like her with the correct balance of career, prayer, worship, and service. Guard those times. Increase our faith in You, Father. In Your precious name we pray. Amen.


Sit down with God and your calendar. Prayerfully make some changes.


Read Acts 16:13-40.

Copyright 2019 Carolyn Dale Newell.


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Originally posted on August 26, 2020 @ 9:12 pm