Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Genesis 1:26 NKJV
That boy is the spitting image of his father! He’s got his nose and his eyes. We are all created in the image of God. Whether we ultimately fulfill that role depends upon salvation, of course.
God is Jehovah, the relational God. He is all about relationships. I shudder when I ponder on how I have profoundly failed on my end of this relationship. The minuscule amount of time I spend with Him. Yet, He never abandons me. He ushers me into His presence with arms open wide. He never fails me, although I fail Him often.
Created in God’s image, men and women are relational beings. Some are introverts while others are extraverts, but a necessity for companionship exists deep within our souls.
In recent weeks, I have felt out of sorts, depressed, anxious, distressed, or just a case of the blues. My energy tank is running on empty. I pray. I read. I write. I clean, wash dishes, do laundry and go for a walk. Nothing satisfies me. Nothing can quench my thirst for socialization. Shocking since writers tend to isolate. What is wrong with me? Are you sharing any of my symptoms? This is abnormal for me, but my abnormal is quite normal.
I am created in the image of Jehovah, the relational God. He is all about relationships, and so am I. And so are you, my friend.
If you have felt anything outside the norm, your abnormal is normal. Social distancing has created a rise in anxious feelings and negative thoughts. We are craving what our bodies lack. People. Relationships. Hugs.
Whew! Glad to know my abnormal is normal, but as I dwell on these thoughts, I wonder how my heavenly Father feels. He has given us time to share with Him, and we sit here longing for someone when He sits waiting on us.
“I’ve been here waiting on you, daughter. I am always here. I thought I’d clear your schedule a bit so we could spend more time together.”
Since our abnormal is normal, why don’t we allow God to comfort and soothe our aching hearts? Fill our listless spirits, fulfill our every need, and overflow our hearts with love. Then our lives will be enriched and full. No void will be found. Spending more time with our Father is the best gift we can give ourselves, and it costs us nothing, but time. Don’t we all have plenty of that right now? No matter how much time we spend communing with God, we can build on that. Let’s commit to deeper relationships with Jehovah, our relational God.
Jehovah, forgive me for the times I spend snacking, watching TV, or scrolling Facebook instead of communing with You. Help me get my priorities right and be intentional about our time together. Amen.
Read Matthew 6:24 NKJV
If you feel your prayers are one-sided or mundane, pray with an open Bible. The Psalms are a great place to turn when you want to read as you pray.
Have you ever wondered how to spice up your prayer life? What about learning more names of God and how to pray using each name? Click HERE
Originally posted on April 27, 2020 @ 3:03 am