“The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked;
Who can know it?
I, the Lord, search the heart,
I test the mind,
Even to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings.
Jeremiah 17:9-10 NKJV
I’ve been visually impaired so long that I find it hard to imagine anyone struggling with limitations unless they are disabled. I texted a friend and asked if she ever felt restricted by anything. Her reply began with physical fatigue and ended with education. It shocked me. Although people seemingly have it all together, everyone has limitations.
Recently, I feel greater constraints than ever. Things I cannot accomplish due to my lack of vision. The stress builds up. The anxiety festers, even leading me to depression’s doorstep.
You don’t have to lack vision, mobility, stamina, or education to feel the despair that accompanies failed attempts. Sometimes, we realize we are so far out of our league that we don’t even try.
Our focal verse gives us the key to decrease our distress. We possess deceitful hearts, the seat of our emotions. We start feeling like a failure because something didn’t work. We feel like a burden when we ask for help. Then it happens again, and hopelessness swarms around us.
Look at the above paragraph. We “feel” isn’t equal to we “are.” Our deceitful hearts have overpowered us. When our emotions rule, it’s a recipe for disaster. Anxiety, depression, discouragement, and disillusionment. Let’s begin by acknowledging the tricks of the enemy and noting that our feelings lack wisdom.
Next, the Lord says He tests the mind. If somebody made extremely unkind remarks to you. How quickly do those thoughts enter your minds and raise the emotions of anger, pain, or worthlessness? Probably quicker than the speed of light. Into the mind and straight to the heart. Later, the thoughts preoccupy us as we rehearse the incident over and over, or we share it with a friend.
I am finding the best way to handle stinking thinking is to eliminate it ASAP. Otherwise, it clouds our judgment. We need to forgive and move forward.
This is what the Apostle Paul wrote about in 2 Corinthians 10:5:
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
We must examine our thoughts which lead to our emotions. Are they godly? Thoughts that evoke feelings of inadequacy usually aren’t godly. The enemy wants me to believe I can’t do anything right, but God has equipped me to do everything He wants me to do.
Begin today to check your thoughts before they become emotional strongholds. Replace stinking thinking with the truth of God. Avoid the mess, and skip the stress.
Lord Jesus, it sounds easy, but I need Your help to train myself to check my thoughts before responding, even to myself. Please help me think on things above and evict stinking thinking. Amen.
Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
What are some ways we can change our old habits of thinking? What is the first thing you plan to change this week? Feel free to share in the comments.
Copyright 2019 Carolyn Dale Newell.
This week, we have celebrated the launch of my new book, Eyes of Faith by writing about some of the topics in the book. Get your copy now before prices increase

Originally posted on September 4, 2020 @ 6:24 pm
It feels like this writing was meant for me to read. It lit a fire in me! Thank you for glorifying Jesus in your daily life. Keep on keeping on, sister
Thank you, Connie. Keep that fire burning.