So he arose, and ate and drank; and he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights as far as Horeb, the mountain of God.

1 Kings 19:8 NKJV

Sometimes, we traverse seasons where curling up with a good book is our solution until God responds. Maybe, our hearts ache so deeply that we want to escape the world until we feel whole. Maybe, our bodies are worn down with sickness, and we lack the stamina to function as usual.

But eventually, you read the final chapter. Time has passed, and nothing has changed. We pray. We cry out to God. We believe God will deliver us soon. The healing will come. But it doesn’t.

Elijah wanted to escape his world. He had experienced a mighty move of God and a spiritual victory. But Israel didn’t flock to the altar. They remained in sin. Then, Jezebel sought to kill Elijah because he had slaughtered her prophets.

So, Elijah ran and hid in the wilderness. Just getting away wasn’t enough. Elijah asked God to take his life. He was tired of Israel’s unrepentant idolatry.

As Elijah slept under a broom tree, an angel awoke him. Elijah found a freshly baked cake and jar of water. The angel encouraged Elijah to eat. Then Elijah returned to his nap, but the angel woke him a second time telling him he needed nourishment for his journey.

That must have been some cake and water because Elijah went in the strength of that food for forty days and nights. What he received from his food was a jolt of energy.

Friend, we cannot avoid times when we feel unusually low or run down, but we can learn something from Elijah. We need that same nourishment Elijah received. We need sustenance. We need strength for our journey.

But it isn’t found in a superfood. We unlock the strength we need when we feast on the Word of God. Jesus is our daily bread. He is our living water. When we draw from the well of our Bible, we will go on with life in His strength. In His power. In His grace.

Last night, I posted this on Facebook:

I asked You for healing. I trusted You for healing, but the healing never came. So, I will proceed in Your strength.

I have been battling sickness for almost two weeks. I haven’t been sick in a long time, but I notice my age catching up with me during this bout. Obviously, my time for healing isn’t God’s time for healing. Although, I don’t feel the greatest, life goes on, and I will rely on God’s strength until His healing comes.

What keeps you curled up somewhere today? Allow your body and soul time to rest, but at some point, you must go on because life goes on. You must go in His strength, just like Elijah. His Word is a banquet table with a chair waiting for you. Feast on His Word today.

Lord Jesus, I realize that Your plans are different than mine. Your plans are perfect, and I desire Your will. I plead for Your deliverance, and I believe You will come to my aid. I thank You now for what is ahead and the strength You give me to take the next step. In Your name, I pray, Amen.


Read 1 Kings 19:1-18



Remember to pray through this entire process. From beginning to end. Prayer changes things.


Originally posted on September 7, 2020 @ 1:29 pm