He shall be unclean. All the days he has the sore he shall be unclean. He is unclean, and he shall dwell alone; his dwelling shall be outside the camp.
Leviticus 13:46 NKJV
It’s no coincidence that I am studying the book of Leviticus while the Corona virus spreads throughout the USA. That’s the book where God gives His laws concerning worship, offerings, holy days, and disease. It’s about holiness and being set apart. It’s the book of clean and unclean.
Almost sixty verses define the laws concerning skin diseases including leprosy. Repeatedly, God instructed the priest to isolate the person with certain rashes, boils, and blemishes. Isolate them for seven days and possibly seven more, until the priest deemed them clean. Then they required purification and cleansing before being allowed to enter the camp and worship services.
When churches started voluntarily closing their doors several weeks ago, I shuddered thinking about what was happening. The ban on gatherings for over ten people drove home the seriousness of this health crisis.
Obviously, cleanliness and disease carried a heavy weight for God. Out of love for others, we can hibernate for a few weeks praying for an end to this pandemic.
In the Bible, leprosy primarily symbolized sin. Not that sinful people are prone to leprosy or any other disease, but God is making a point. He wanted Israel to practice separation from uncleanness. God wants His people to keep their distance from sin.
No one is sinless. Jesus was the only sinless Man on earth. The Lord expects believers to avoid making sin a habit. We fall. We flounder, but we must seek forgiveness and social distance ourselves from sin. Sin, not sinners.
Sin is worse than any virus. But do we dread a virus more than we abhor sin.
Leviticus chapter thirteen focuses on separation and isolation, but Leviticus chapter fourteen focuses on cleansing and redemption. Sin separates us from God, but the cleansing ritual symbolizes salvation. The washing and purification that made reentry into the camp possible represents the cleansing of the blood of Jesus Christ.
While we sail these unchartered waters, draw closer to God than ever before. Seek your own personal cleansing. God wants our attention. I am continually before Him asking Him to reveal the changes He desires in me. Spend this time praying, fasting, and studying His Word. Most importantly, tell someone about Jesus.
Tell them He died to save sinners. Tell them something worse awaits this world in the end times. Tell them Jesus is coming again, and they must be ready to meet Him, or they will be left behind. Tell them He loves them, and He wants to forgive them, but they must repent. They must ask Jesus for forgiveness with a sincere heart. Tell them to prepare for Christ as they prepare for Corona.
Lord, wash me as pure as snow. Forgive me my sins, and create in me a new heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Read 1 John 1:9 NKJV
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Get alone with God and allow Him to reveal any sin you need cleansing from. Confess and repent.
Originally posted on March 30, 2020 @ 3:00 am