The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 NKJV
As the world spins to the rhythm of chaos, how’s it going in your part of the world? With tragedies in Afghanistan and hurricane Ida, you still have stuff going on. Stuff like an illness that refuses to subside, the juggling act you do with bills, and the depression that seeks to drown you. Life hangs in the balance between uncertainty and evil. What’s a girl supposed to do when her world spins faster and faster?
I discovered I have a lot in common with sheep. They have low vision like me, but if we look at Psalm 23 from a shepherd’s perspective, we’ll learn why Jesus is truly our good shepherd.
Shepherds control their sheep, because they like to wander. Sound familiar? The shepherd uses his crook to yank that sheep back into safe pasture. Sometimes, the problems we endure arise because we take the wrong path. Our shepherd pulls us back from potential danger. We call it disappointment, but it keeps us from the real disappointments of life.
Other problems occur because we insist on having things our way. That’s when we have to ask; who is my shepherd? Is it my flesh, seeking my own desires? Is my shepherd the world who doesn’t have my best in mind, or is it the devil, seeking to kill, steal, and destroy?
We delight in our good shepherd who showers us with His great love, care, and mercy. Jesus Christ has double ownership of His sheep. First, He created us. Then He bought us with His precious blood.
We will never lack anything we need. Sometimes, sheep confuse their needs with their wants, like that wandering sheep always looking for greener pastures.
We complain about what we don’t have instead of giving thanks for what we do have.
The shepherd doesn’t drive his sheep like cattle. Instead, he leads the sheep, and he won’t lead his flock to rushing water without a good reason. It spooks the sheep. That’s why he leads his flock by the still waters. That’s where we long to graze when chaos overwhelms us. Do you know where sheep feel the safest? In the presence of their shepherd.
His presence provides comfort for us. We slip away from the crazy of this world, and rest peacefully in the arms of our shepherd. We can trust His hand of provision. We can count on His guidance. We can feel the calm of green pastures and still waters. Are you spending time with your shepherd today?
Lord Jesus, thank You for being my good shepherd. I sure need you, because I don’t always make the best choices. I am grateful for Your abundant provision and also for the peace of Your presence. In Your name, I pray. Amen.
Read John 10:10.Psalm 23,
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.”
Thank Jesus for all your blessings, present and future.
Did you dress for war today? Satan wants to rob us of our blessings by flooding us with insecurities. We can start the day ready for battle in prayer as we dress in the armor of God. Receive a free gift and learn more here!
Originally posted on September 3, 2021 @ 3:00 am
We are so much like sheep. We confuse wants and needs and are easily distracted from the path we are supposed to be following. So thankful for my shepherd!
Sorr I’m so late getting to this. Yes, a big Amen.