I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

John 10:10b NKJV

Have you ever felt the abundant life lingers just beyond your reach? Does it feel like a blessing you’ve never acquired? When I applied for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes for the Blind, they called to inform me they had a dog for me. Great! Put her on a UPS truck and ship her down to Virginia (just kidding). No, it doesn’t work like that. I had to travel to New York and train with my precious Iva for three weeks. She was mine, but I had to take possession of her.

Joshua and the children of Israel had to seize the promised land. God spoke to Joshua:

Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses. (Joshua 1:3NKJV)

As we unpack this verse, pay close attention to the verb tenses. “Will tread” is something that will occur in the future. “Have given” indicates something has already transpired. If God had previously given them the land, why did they have to seize their inheritance?

God wants to work through us, not just for us. This is where God’s sovereignty and human responsibility intersect. If they were going to possess their land, they would have to seize it. God wasn’t going to run out the inhabitants and say, “here it is boys, all cleaned up for you.” He wants our participation in claiming what is already ours, and that requires strong faith.

Faith that trust God when your enemies appear like giants, and life seems impossible. Faith that trust God with the assignment He has given us. Faith that steps out of our comfort zone. Faith that chooses peace and joy over panic and despair.

God had promised Canaan to Abraham and now that promise was about to be fulfilled. Israel had wandered in the wilderness for forty years, but the wilderness wasn’t their destination. Before Israel could claim their land, they would have to overthrow the Hittites living in Canaan.

Joshua is the Hebrew form of the name, Jesus. Israel obtained their inheritance through Joshua, as he led them into the promised land. Likewise, Jesus goes before us, leading us into the abundant life.

God never planned for us to live in the wilderness, a place of spiritual drought. So, we must ask ourselves; are we willing to follow Jesus into that life of blessing, or do we prefer to hang out on the banks of the Jordan admiring it from afar?

That abundant life is ours, but like Israel, we will have to conquer our enemies. The promise land wasn’t for the fainthearted, and neither is the abundant life. We must have the courageous faith required to possess what God has destined for us.

Are you walking in the purpose you were born for? Don’t let the Hittites frighten you. You are not alone. Jesus walks with you. Cross your Jordan and allow your feet to possess what God has given you.

Heavenly Father, I know I shrink back from difficult and daunting circumstances. I choose to walk in the abundant life. I choose to trust You to lead me just as Joshua led Israel. In Jesus, name, Amen.


Read Joshua 1:1-9HIKING THE TRAIL


What do you need to trust God with? Serving Him? Emotions that hold you captive?   Stepping into a new job or town? A health crisis? An impossible situation? Whatever it is, seize what Christ has promised.


Coming January 2020… Overcoming the Overwhelming: Walking in Victorious Faith When You Don’t Feel Victorious!! This new 30-day devotional will inspire you to keep pressing forward as you traverse life’s trials.

Originally posted on January 3, 2020 @ 3:00 am