“But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.”
(John 16:6-7 NJKV)
Is it possible to discover a sweet spot when darkness surrounds us? As I stepped outside on this early March morning, something was odd. The birds were singing, but sunrise was still an hour away. How unusual! I thought birds typically wait until the sun starts its’ ascent before they greet the day with a song. Yet, in the somber blackness, some birds harmonized in a joyful melody. A sweet spot on a dreary morning.
While Jesus spoke to His eleven disciples, (Judas had departed.) they couldn’t grasp what He told them just hours before His arrest. Why did Jesus have to leave them? Who was this Helper He planned to send? Where was Jesus going? After His crucifixion, they felt even more confused. Their Messiah was gone, and along with Him, their hopes and dreams vanished.
But Mary, Jesus’ mother, knew. She had known all along since the day Simeon prophesied to her in the temple (Luke 2:35). He warned Mary that a sword would pierce through her own soul (Luke 2:35).
Those words raced back to her thirty-three years later as Mary stood on Calvary’s hill watching her Son suffer and die on a cross. Jesus gazed at Mary with a depth of love in His eyes. She protected Him as a child, along with Joseph. They bore the responsibility of caring for the Messiah. Now her heart was breaking. He couldn’t prevent her suffering, but He could do one thing.
John stood by Mary as Jesus gasped for each breath. Blood trickled from raw flesh, and His bruised face began swelling. Jesus entrusted John with the pleasure of caring for Mary in His absence.
On that first Easter morning, I imagine the birds sang as John and Peter raced toward the tomb, finding it empty. Joy filled the air when they realized Jesus had risen, but another sweet spot was still ahead.
After forty days, Jesus ascended back into heaven. On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in the heart of every believer. That same Holy Spirit lives today in you if you’ve been born again. If Jesus had not departed, we would all be seeking His bodily presence, but we don’t have to. Now our Helper lives within us. No searching necessary. Just look within.
In those inevitable moments of sorrow, the Holy Spirit helps us through our disappointments and discouragements. He helps us through our grief. The person of the Holy Spirit is our sweet spot when we suffer. We are never alone. He is the bright candle in our midnight hour. He is the song we hear just before dawn.
Have you sensed His presence? Have you felt His comfort? Have you appreciated His help? Look for Him. He will manifest Himself through others and in your loneliness. Draw near to Him daily because He is our only light in a cloud of darkness. He is the sweet spot in our suffering.
Holy spirit, I admit I often forget Your nearness. I neglect Your presence, but You are a living breathing person of the Godhead living within me In Jesus’ name, amen.
Make a point to recognize the Holy Spirit. Can you do one thing this week to build a bond with Him: read John 14 and 16, or pray to the Holy Spirit?
Check out my brand-new book, book 2 in the Guide Dog Tales series, Walking by Faith, Not Sight: 30 Inspirational Moments with Iva. Learn more here!
Originally posted on March 22, 2021 @ 3:00 am
Loved this! One of my spiritual gifts is discernment so I am very connected with the Holy Spirit. I love this awesome gift yet at times it can feel like a curse instead of a blessing. I say this because when my discerning spirit is heightened and it is about an individual that’s when the gift can get awkward as that means I need to move on what the Spirit has brought to my attention yet I try to avoid conflict. But I am so very grateful for this gift from the Holy Spirit.
Oh, that is wonderful!