A Key to Hope
I have set the Lord always before me;
Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices;
My flesh also will rest in hope.
Psalm 16:8-9 NKJV
Imagine someone handed you a key to a life filled with hope. You would surely rush to that door and unlock it. You wouldn’t put it off until you had more time. If the door became stuck, you would give it a shove. Then you would safeguard the key by wearing it around your neck on a chain. You wouldn’t toss that precious key in the junk drawer.
Sadly, we have rushed over our focal verse trying to read three chapters daily. We haven’t parked there to consider its riches. Maybe we have given it a try, but it required extra time and effort.
Let’s unpack this verse beginning with the first word, “I.” Who sets the Lord before us. We do. God doesn’t set Himself before us. The preacher doesn’t set the Lord before us. This isn’t “let go and let God.” We have to make an effort, just like we have to actually open the door with the key.
Next, look at the word, “always.” This is permanent. The difficulty of setting the Lord before us is that other things compete for first place. When something or someone is set before us, it’s right in front of us. We are face-to-face with it. It has our full attention. Now you see the problem. We must constantly ensure God holds that spot.
What other things do I set before me? Distractions call after me. An overloaded schedule steals my time. Fatigue restrains my alertness. Problems beg for my attention. Exhaustion tugs at me. I allow the circumstances to take front and center, and I realize peace and hope have dissipated.
I want the Lord before me, but I find it easier said than done.
Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. When God is nearby, I will not be moved. I need to make a deliberate attempt to keep the Lord close and spend more time with Him. Have you noticed how you feel on Sunday at noon? That’s because you spent time with the Lord. We need worship time at home. We need a prayer closet to slip into. If we can be purposeful about our Jesus time, He will always be before us.
Now, let’s see why this hard work is necessary. The benefits are incredible: a glad heart, joy, and hope. The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) says “…my whole being rejoices. My body also rests securely.” The New American standard Bible (NASB) says” …my flesh also will dwell securely.” The New Living Translation (NLT) says” …my body rests in safety.” Wow! What a plethora of joy, security, rest, and hope.
Stare at God, not your circumstances. We must forbid trouble from moving into God’s place. Set trials before us, and we will see hopelessness. Set God before us, and we will possess hope.
Heavenly Father, help me begin today to set You before me. Give me discernment to set my priorities in order. I long to experience the joy and hope that awaits me as I spend mor time with You, Amen.
List the changes you need to make. Looks impossible, doesn’t it? Pray over it, asking God to show you where to start and how to enforce it. You’ll be amazed at the way God will work with you when you put Him first.
God’s promises give us much hope and confidence. Learn about ten promises you might not be familiar with in chapter 12 of Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith. Click Here.
Originally posted on February 27, 2023 @ 1:00 am
Thank you for your blog. Truly appreciated message.
Praise God! Thank you for taking the time to let me know. That is an encouragement for me. Prayers.
Oh those keys to a door of hope. I have had that key in my hands so many times in the past just to open that door and wonder why I opened it. You see allowing myself to “hope” has not been a positive event for me. I finally got to a point in my walk with Jesus I refused to take another key labeled hope. In order to open the door to hope it means opening the heart. After too many Hopes were dashed my heart felt like a pureed blob of beating tissue. So for years I refused to “hope” in anything, just too painful. Well in the last 3 years I have tried the door leading to hope and again those hopes were crushed. My only hope is in Jesus, my guaranteed eternity with Jesus and anything hiding behind that door to hope is staying behind the door in the dark for now. Perfect blog for the start of the Bible study in the group.
Your insight is profound and I loved reading your blog, God Bless.
Praise God, and thank you.