Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (Romans 8:37 NKJV)


The sun’s warmth felt good on that February afternoon as I sat on my patio. I didn’t realize that I needed the warmth of God’s love to lift me up at that exact moment. The morning’s discouraging events left me in despair.

A credit card bill was five hundred dollars higher than I had expected. I discovered that I need to read emails even when I think I know what they say. For some reason, my hosting service for my web site changed my billing from annual to a five-year plan.

While trying to fix that problem, which I could not fix, I discovered more technological issues I needed to tend to. Now would be a good time to take down the web site, yes the one you are reading this on. A black cloud covered me, and I heard a voice tell me to practice what I preach. Get your armor on before you fall into a deep state of discouragement.

So, I considered the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness and the other pieces of armor. Key Bible verses about anxiety quickly popped into my mind. My mood lifted as I prayed through each verse.

Later that day, I came across today’s verse. I can live as a conqueror because of God who lives me. You, my friend, are more than a conqueror through God who loves you.

Perhaps you feel disappointed or discouraged. Maybe you’ve received some bad news. It could just be a bad day. I want you to know this verse speaks truth. Wear it as your belt of truth. You are more than a conqueror because God loves you.

Originally posted on February 15, 2024 @ 6:00 pm