Now Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.
John 11:21 NKJV
Look around. Circumstances surround us that can cause us to question the love of God. A child dies from cancer. A new high school graduate with their entire life ahead of them is hit by a drunk driver, making them a quadriplegic. The school shooting that wipes out a class of youngsters. The terrorist attack that kills and injures thousands.
At first, we may feel as if God has abandoned us. As we travel through these valleys, we will embrace the magnitude of our Father’s love greater than ever before. How can a loving God allow the situations that hurt us?
God doesn’t send trials to hurt us, but to help us.God doesn’t allow trouble to harm but to heal. Several years ago, my eyesight suddenly grew dim. In the midst of my failing vision, I couldn’t perceive how God was going to work things together for my good or His glory, but He did. God gave me situations where I experienced His grace, to the extent that I wanted to share those experiences through writing.
What we find in the midst of the hurting, the helping and the healing is the hope. At least once in our lifetime, most of us will encounter a darkness so black that the only hope is God’s love. God loves you, and God loves me.
In “Eyes of Faith: Winning the battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith,” I use the sisters of Lazarus as an example. Jesus loved that family, but Mary and Martha couldn’t come to grips with the death of their brother. Jesus could have healed Lazarus. Jesus delayed getting there. If Jesus had been on time, Lazarus would be alive.
When sorrow occurs, Jesus still loves us. When we are confused, Jesus still loves us.Circumstances aren’t the thermometers by which we measure God’s love.
Bad things happen, even to God’s people. Why? Sin entered this world, and through sin, death also entered. Along with sin and death came hatred, crimes, disease, and abuse.
When we are heartbroken, Jesus’ plan proceeds on His timetable. He doesn’t intend to drag out the sadness, but He has a perfect plan, one we must trust.
Lazarus had to remain in that grave for three days to demonstrate the glory of the Lord. Jesus had raised others from the dead, but no one had been resurrected after rigor mortis set in. This miracle was undeniable.
Sweet friend, remember: when Jesus delays, it isn’t a denial.
Mary and Martha’s story demonstrates this truth. Trusting our loving God removes the necessity to understand it all. If we did, we would be walking by sight. When we walk by faith, we trust Him wholeheartedly. Eyes of faith trust without comprehending. Eyes of faith trust in the midst of grief. Eyes of faith trust in the midst of sorrow. Eyes of faith trust in the midst of confusion. We can trust God because He loves us, and wants only the best for us. His love is a firm foundation that we can rest on. Trust Him today.
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Originally posted on September 2, 2020 @ 8:31 pm
This subject is another one unbelievers have a hard time grasping as well. They view it as God “causing” bad to happen. Sin is why it happens. Our Free Will of choice is why things happen too. I can look back at “bad” things happening in my life and I can see God’s fingerprints all over them. God allowed some of the bad things in my life so I could be protected from something else, to help me grow and rely on Jesus instead of myself, or because I refused to listen and it got my attention and a lesson was learned. America has turned its back on God and there are consequences for that choice. Just like when the Israelites turned their back on God they suffered consequences for that behavior.
You are so right! Have you read the book, “The Harbonger?” I think you would like it. It is about God’s judgement on USA.
No I have not read that book yet. I will have to get it.