The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do,
and the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:9 NKJV
I never won an award for calmness or keeping it all together. Normally, I lose it. Last night, I did not recognize the tranquil woman beaming with peace. Was that me? I reminded myself that this was truly happening.
My husband woke me with “I can’t breathe! Call the rescue squad!” I prayed, laying hands on him while endless minutes passed. Was the paramedic crew really in my living room working on Timmy as I muttered prayers for mercy? Was that me riding in the ambulance repeating the only name I could, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…”? How did I communicate with the emergency room doctors and nurses like this was an ordinary event?
There was only one way I remained calm: I was wrapped in God’s amazing peace.The Greek word for peace connotes the meaning of binding. The binding on a book holds it together, but occasionally, after some wear and tear the binding breaks. At times, so do we.
What made this situation different? The previous day, I had lingered longer in prayer. My prayers were strategic against the enemy I realized the weakest areas of my life, and trusted my Father to shelter me in them. Time with God. Time in Scripture. My mind and heart were truly guarded with something incomprehensible. Prayer is the channel through which peace flows.
Friend, how would you pray differently today if you knew a fierce storm awaited you tomorrow? We should pray like that every day because life can change in the twinkling of an eye.
Timmy could have died from congestive heart failure, but he did not. Thank You, God! I could have been an emotional wreck, but once again, there was God. We were blessed. Today, pray like tomorrow depends on it, because in reality, it does.
Lord Jesus, You have clothed us in peace. Not just any peace, but Your divine peace. What an amazing gift! Fill us with the peace we need to quietly travel the stormy waters we are navigating today and those to come tomorrow. Amen.
Read Philippians 4:4-9.
Write out a prayer. Include your weaknesses, areas that need particular protection from the devil, and promises you need to remember. Refer to it often as if trouble was right around the corner.
Copyright 2016 Carolyn Dale Newell.
If you like today’s devotion, you will love Carolyn’s new book:

Originally posted on August 31, 2020 @ 3:05 am
Thank you for sharing. My life changed in a blink of an eye in July 2019 with my mom being discovered unconscious and i had to call 911 and she was rushed by ambulance and right to ICU on life support (something she never wanted) but was on it when they finally let me in the room with her. That event changed my perspective on prayer and trusting Jesus. 4 days later i had life support shut off and about 8 hrs later she was with Jesus. But through the entire 4 days I remained calm because I knew deep in my soul she was never going to wake up and she would be with Jesus once she was gone. We do not like tragedy but it sure makes us stronger.
Wow! That must have been so traumatic having to remove her from life support.I’m glad you knew her wishes. Love your kindness!