So the Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the LORD? (Exodus 4:11 NKJV)

I sobbed, “God, why did You call me to write when I can’t see to proofread?” When I self-published my first book, Incense Rising, I knew nothing about publishing. Imagine my shock when I realized I had to proof the manuscript in ten days. Within twenty-four hours, life became unkind and traumatic.

I needed my husband’s help. I waited for him to return from his weekend trip to check on his brother, but he couldn’t come home. He found his brother on life support, and the doctors demanded Timmy stay in the area.

I needed his brother to revive. I needed my husband home. I needed God to miraculously correct the manuscript, but God had other plans.

When God called Moses to deliver Israel out of their oppression in Egypt, he doubted his abilities. He also doubted God.

With each excuse Moses offered, God had a response. Who am I but a shepherd?  They won’t believe me. I’m not eloquent of speech.

Have you ever uttered that question? Who am I to handle this promotion? Who am I to serve in ministry? Who am I to raise my grandkids? Who am I to deal with this crisis?

Has insecurity reared its ugly head as you list all your excuses, like Moses? He appeared humble, but wounded pride can mimic a humble heart. Humility looks at God and not self, not even our list of limitations.

A Lack of self-confidence makes us soft clay in the hands of God. He molds us into exactly who He desires us to be.

Moses delivered his people, dependent on God. He even gave some pretty good speeches.

God provided friends who proofed my manuscript, but my brother-in-law passed on to heaven.

My security rests in who God is, and not who I am.

Friend, when insecurity threatens to overwhelm you, trust in God and not yourself. It’s difficult to break an old habit, but we must start today. The devil wants you to doubt your abilities and God. He wants you to trust in money, people, and the world system to solve your problems. Trust in the one who created you and sustains you. I know with God; you can do this.

Heavenly Father, my nerves get rattled when I look at the enormous task before me. Sometimes, my insecurities make me feel like a failure, but I know I am secure with You. I also know that you equip me to accomplish whatever you place in my path. What I can’t do myself, I can do with You. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


Read Exodus 3:12 NKJV:

So He said, “I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”


What are the two promises God gave Moses in Exodus 3:12? What are some promises God has given you that speak to your insecurities? If you can’t think of any, look up Philippians 4:13 and Hebrews 13:5.


Did you dress for war today? Satan wants to rob us of our callings and blessings by flooding us with insecurities. We can start the day ready for battle in prayer as we dress in the armor of God. Receive a free gift and learn more here!




Originally posted on August 30, 2021 @ 3:08 am