“Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them—the children of Israel.”

Joshua 1:2 NKJV

As we exit 2019, we often reflect on both the good and the bad for the passing year. Some of us look forward to 2020 eager to leave a year filled with sickness and heartache. Others will anticipate a continued season of blessing. No matter which category we fall into, we must move forward.

As the book of Joshua opens, Joshua has embarked upon a new era. Moses, the leader of the Israelites for forty years has died. The Lord commissioned Joshua as their new leader. Joshua had been Moses’ assistant, but now he would be in charge. Joshua would have to lead God’s people into the promised Land.

God not only gave Joshua a promotion, but He gave him an assignment; Cross over Jordan.

How would they cross without a bridge? They lacked the ability to build a military bridge like the army does today. To make matters worse, the banks of the Jordan were at flood stage. Yet, God commanded Joshua to cross over to Canaan.

Songs would have us believe that crossing Jordan to reach Canaan symbolizes the believer crossing the chilly waters of death as they enter heaven. However, enemies inhabit Canaan. No enemies await us in heaven. Canaan was filled with battles, but battles don’t exist in heaven.

The promised land represents the abundant life Jesus promised us (john 10:10). It’s time to leave our wilderness wandering years behind, and come out of our spiritual drought. God never envisioned the wilderness as our home, but He expects us to walk in faith. Canaan is not for the fainthearted.

I don’t drive, but I know some things about driving. For example, I know you need to watch what’s ahead through the windshield. Sometimes, you need to look in the rearview mirror to see what’s behind. Your primary focus is what’s ahead, not behind. Hence, the windshield is larger than the rearview mirror.

Satan wants us to reminisce. Satan loves it when we live in our past, so he can keep us focused on what was. If we concentrate on what was rather than what is, Satan keeps us from making progress for God’s kingdom. He keeps us in the wilderness.

Memories serve two purposes. We can look back on them with fondness. However, other memories aren’t pleasing at all. That’s where we messed up, or someone messed us up. We learn from those memories so we can proceed.

Joshua had some incredible times with Moses, but now a new chapter begins. The same is true for us. Are we willing to leave the security of the wilderness? Yes, even a barren desert can become comfortable. Proceeding isn’t going to be easy. Battles await us, but so does the milk and honey. Are you willing to cross Jordan today as you step into the plans God has for you?

Lord God, we face Canaan trusting You. You will lead us and fight our battles, just like You did for Joshua. Amen.


Read the account of Israel crossing the Jordan on dry ground: Joshua 3:6-17



What holds you back from moving forward? How can you remove these hinderances?


Coming soon…Overcoming the Overwhelming: Walking in Victorious Faith When You Don’t Feel Victorious…a 30-day devotional to help you traverse your most daunting times.


Originally posted on December 30, 2019 @ 3:00 am