Discover Your Destiny in 2022

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9 NKJV)

Iva, my beautiful guide dog still amazes me with her care and caution when we walk. My husband watched Iva leading me across the church parking lot and then across the street. I thought she crossed without looking for traffic, but he saw her look both ways before crossing.

“She’s looking for the cut out.” He explained what Iva was doing.  No reason to make mom step up. I praised my girl like one proud momma.

We hadn’t attended this church for too long. This was the first day I allowed Iva to lead me from the car to the door, because dogs don’t lead well in parking lots since their training teaches them to walk to the far left. You can see how that could become the long route rather than the direct one. I only gave the forward command, and she excelled at the entire route.

We make plans. We ask God to give us His plans. Lead me, Lord! Show me the way You want me to go.  God doesn’t want us sailing through life without any direction, but He still has sovereign control over our steps.

I planned to walk from the car to the church door. Iva chose the path we took. She directed my steps.

Friend, when we allow Him, God does that for us. I have plans for 2022: publishing another book, teaching a Bible study curriculum, and leading a small group. My plans aren’t set in stone. I desire His will, and I won’t beat on a door He has closed.

You have plans too. Plans for your family, your finances, or plans for your job. Maybe you’ve decided 2022 will be the year you buy a new car, you go for that promotion, or you step out into something new and exciting. Honor God’s promptings as this year unveils.

Goals aren’t accomplished in leaps and bounds, but one step at a time. God directs those intricate steps no matter how small or how large. In the same manner as Iva chose her steps from the car to the door, God takes us on His particular route to our destination.

This year is still young. Have you set any goals? Do you have hopes and dreams? Set sail on the sea of God’s destiny knowing the wind cannot meaninglessly meander you around. God has perfect control over each step of the way.

As we submit to God’s plans and will, He’ll take us on His marvelous journey.

Originally posted on January 21, 2022 @ 3:00 am