And Abraham called the name of the place,” The-Lord-Will-Provide.”; as it is said to this day, “In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided.”

(Genesis 22:14 NKJV)

Has God always provided for you?

I can’t recall a time when I lacked anything. If you’ve ever doubted God, it’s because Satan continues to shoot arrows of doubt our way.

God is Jehovah Jireh,” The-Lord-Will-Provide.”  God commanded Abraham to do the unthinkable – sacrifice his son of promise, Isaac. If Abraham doubted that God would provide an escape to this horrific task, he never demonstrated it. Instead, he walked in faith throughout the three-day journey, from rising early that morning until the second he raised the knife above Isaac’s body.

We can learn two truths about provision in this passage. First, God blesses obedience. How would God have responded if Abraham had disobeyed Him? Sin interferes with every blessing from God, not just provision. We hurt ourselves when we willfully continue in unholy living. Obedience to God always precedes provision.

The second truth clearly validates the significance of worship. Read our focal verse again. Where will God provide? “In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided.”

What was the importance of Mount Moriah, the place where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac? Sacrifices and burnt offerings were just as much a part of Abraham’s worship as singing along with your favorite praise and worship song, praying, or shouting Hallelujah today. Worship precedes provision.

That’s just one of many reasons why worship needs to be a lifestyle and not just something we do at church on Sundays. Worship ushers us into the manifest presence of God. We also need worship to grow spiritually. The devil hates our worship.

From the top of Mount Moriah, Abraham lifted up his eyes. He could see the bigger provision. Mount Calvary.  The place where Jesus died for our sins sits just several hundred yards away from Mount Mariah. Did Abraham realize that the provision for all of humanity would be sacrificed thousands of years later on the next mountain peak?

Jesus has provided an escape for us. He certainly will provide for us today. Doesn’t He deserve our obedience and worship? Yes, He certainly does? Stop and give Him some praise right now.

Heavenly Father, thank You so much for everything You provide for me and my family, from salvation to food. From hope to my home from peace to money to cover my prescriptions. I praise You for You are worthy! Amen.


Read Genesis 22:1-19.



Ask God to examine you and find any sinful way so you can remove it. We don’t want sin to block our blessings any longer.


Have you ever knelt to pray and suddenly remembered you didn’t pay the water bill that is due today? Yep, I’ve been there. It’s not just runaway thoughts. It is war, but we have some armor to get on before we can engage in the battle and win. I’ve studied the armor and created a short, but deliberate prayer guides that center on the believer’s armor. It can be yours absolutely Free here




Originally posted on August 6, 2021 @ 3:00 am