And when He had come into the house, the blind men came to Him.
And Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”
They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.”
Matthew 9:28 NKJV
Do we really believe? Do I believe God can heal me? Do I really believe God will supply our needs when my husband loses his job and the bills are mounting up? We say that we believe God can do anything, but what about an hour later when we see that hospital bill? Do we begin to worry? Anxiety creeps in when the doctor says the treatments aren’t working. Fear takes control when the new job falls through.
What happens when uneasiness takes over? Physically, it affects our sleep, appetite, and health. Emotionally, it creates stress and anxiety. Spiritually, it is sin.
Worry tells God He is unfaithful. Worry says we don’t trust God to keep His promises. Worry and faith cannot exist together because they are opposites. When cares rob us of peace, we are allowing our circumstances to control us rather than the inerrant Word of God.
“Worry” comes from a German word meaning “to choke or strangle”. That vividly describes how we feel when we obsess over things. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He will plant anguish in the minds of believers every chance he gets.
We fail to realize how atrocious worry is to God. It has no benefits. Our stressful thought patterns change nothing, and usually, we muse about the “What if’s”.
How do we stop our anxious thoughts? We repent, like we do with all sin. We pray for God to keep us from the temptation to despair. We trust God with every aspect of life, and that is a choice we must be intentional about.
Friend, we need to take worry and lay it at the foot of the cross. Spend time in the Bible. Memorize some of God’s promises. Speak them over your life. Yes, we do believe, and we have no reason to be troubled.
Precious Father, forgive us for our lack of trust when we worry. Wipe apprehension out of our lives. Help us trust You completely, knowing that You only want what is good for us. Amen.
Read Matthew 6:25-34.
What causes you to worry? As you read your Bible, search for verses that bring you peace and memorize them. The next time you begin to worry, recall these verses and pray. Here are a few good ones: Ps. 9:10, Ps. 18:2, Ps. 18:30, Ps. 37:5, Ps. 56:3-4, Prov. 3:5, John 14:27, Rom. 8:28, 2 Cor. 12:9, Phil. 4:13, Phil. 4:19, 2 Tim. 1:7, Heb. 13:5.
Do you want to break up with worry once and for all? Check this out!
Copyright 2015 Carolyn Dale Newell.
Originally posted on July 28, 2023 @ 1:00 am
I needed to hear that today. I am struggling with chronic anxiety and am tryin through prayer and scripture to defeat it.
I am praying for you. It is hard, but we have to choose how we respond, and believe me, I am dealing with this struggle myself.
I know God “can” do anything. It is the “Will HE do ____ for me” is where my faith falters.
The summer between 3rd and 4th grade I attended a VBS that told me that God will answer my prayers because He love me. That was in 1975.
By the middle of 4th grade, I had such a deep spiritual wound that was so raw and infected with a hatred towards God all due to God not answering my prayers therefore God did not love me.
If you are confused go back and read what the VBS teacher told us kids that Day. The day I accepted Jesus to be my savior.
That wound has healed and in 1996 I returned back to God. Despite my very close relationship with Jesus, I still wrestle with the knowledge Jesus CAN heal me, but WILL He heal whatever I am seeking healing from.
Then I read about Bible characters who did not receive healing and not getting that prayer answered had nothing to do with a lack of faith but instead had to do with how God used those NO answers to expand the kingdom.
Now when I get a clear NO from God my reaction is…ok so show me how you are going to use this for your good.
Worry is a sign of not trusting God but so is frustration.
Good word in today’s blog my friend.