In my distress I cried to the Lord,
And He heard me.
(Psalm 120:1 NKJV)

I love these rare cool summer mornings when guide dog Iva and I can enjoy an extended walk. As we strolled down the sidewalk, I heard fierce barking from within a house. Iva hates this house! When the dogs are outside, they come to their fence, right beside us, barking as If they want to tear her up.

She’s sped up before, and last time, she made a desperate attempt to run across the street. On this morning, Iva tried to speed up, but I slowed her down. I hate seeing fear on her. I gently encouraged her as we went by the house. “You’re Ok. They can’t get you.”

Suddenly, Iva stopped and turned her head towards me. Iva is a creature of habit. We had gone through all the steps except the last one, and she stopped ready for that next step. Once we’re away from that house, I always stop, bend down, petting those velvety black ears and praise her like crazy.

Iva wanted some love and praise.! On other occasions, when the dogs scared her, my heart broke for her. I thought about Jesus telling the disciples, “Oh you of little faith.” But Jesus didn’t say it in a condemning tone.

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. (Romans 8:1 NKJV)

I picture Jesus comforting us in our moments of fear, just like I did with Iva. What if we gain a new perspective on situations that create some angsts in us? What if we considered them as opportunities to overcome fear? What if we use them as moments to crawl up on our Savior’s lap and allow His love to calm us?

Stormy waves aren’t obstacles, but opportunities.

We don’t look forward to these trying times, but once they find us, let’s approach them with a new attitude. Let’s march into them with confidence, knowing we will triumph.

You might be in one of these anxious seasons right now. Get alone with God, and try a new outlook. Stay focused on Christ and not the crisis. It’s an opportunity to walk in victory and right into Jesus’s arms.

*These types of devotions are known as Guide Dog Tales, and you can find the first two books in the series in my shop. Due to the increased price of shipping and paper, my shop prices will increase beginning on July 18, 2022. Shop now and save!




Originally posted on July 15, 2022 @ 3:00 am