My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials

James 1:2 NKJV

Joy usually doesn’t show up in a doctor’s office, unless you’re getting good news. Joy flees when strife arises in families. There’s certainly no joy when depression sets in, and joy isn’t found in an empty bank account.

So, how do we consider a trial joyful? Let’s understand the difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is an emotion based on favorable circumstances, a state of the heart. While joy is a state of mind. We must   choose joy every day of the week, no matter what our circumstances are. We can choose joy when the sun shines, and we can choose joy when storm clouds gather. Joy is an attitude.

Joy isn’t a feeling. Our natural response to bad news can include fear, worry, defeat, despair and confusion. All emotions. Our minds must take the forbidden thoughts that triggered these unwelcome emotions and evict them.

Once we choose joy, we have to make a decision to trust God in our illness. In our brokenness, and in our hardships. Then we present joy to our hearts. Not a forced laugh and a pretend smile, but the knowledge that this affliction will lead to something better.

When we commit to a joyful attitude, Satan will take offense to our decision. He will use all his trickery to change our minds, but we stand prepared with the shield of faith and the Sword of the Spirit.

Joy is a command, not a suggestion, because we will fall into various trials. It’s not a matter of “if” trials come, but “when” they will occur. Although the troubles at hand weigh heavy on us, joy will be the outcome.

When God allows trials, He allows them for His purposes. Trials draw us closer to God. Our prayer life heats up in stormy weather. Our faith grows stronger. We will see God as never before in our darkest nights. We begin to take on the likeness of Christ, and those are the reasons we can respond with joy.

Usually our first response to a trial is to find an exit door, but God says if we walk through it, rather than run from it, we will mature. That’s a cause for rejoicing.

Friend, are you sailing turbulent waters today? Then it’s time to have a chat with your heart. Remind The trial it isn’t in charge. Your heart isn’t in charge either, but God is controlling your ship. I know how we have dealt with these storms before. We’re not going to crumble. We’re not going to collapse. We are going to tell God we intend to count this trial as joy, because we are going to walk through it and allow God to have His way. It doesn’t mean we will like the trial. It doesn’t mean tears won’t fall. It just means you are going to walk out of this fire a better person than you were when you entered.

Father, thank You for showing us how to react in trials. Thank You for the joy of Jesus. Help us walk through trouble with Your joy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Rejoice always. (1 Thes. 5:18 NKJV)

Read James 1:2-5 NKJV



Remember, you will not feel joy, but stay committed. Seek wisdom from God, and when you see God moving, that’s when joy will flood your soul. Praise Him for what He is about to do.


Exchange worry for worship, fear for faith, and peace in panic in Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith

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Originally posted on May 25, 2020 @ 3:00 am