7 Peace Zappers

  Enjoy my most recent article at iBelieve: 7 Roaadblocks to Peace https://www.ibelieve.com/faith/7-roadblocks-to-peace.html Originally posted on July 11, 2022 @ 3:05...

A Must Read for Moms With Wayward Children

  I have an on-again-Off-again relationship with my daughter, but for eight years  we had no contact. I know the heartache of a wayward child who doesn’t return. I have attempted to give you the encouragement  I pray will help as you go through one of the...

Celebrate Life

  As most of you know, I write for iBelieve.com, and on Friday, I had the immense blessing of writing an article based on the Supreme Court’s landmark decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Read the article which went live on Sunday here:...