The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4 NIV)
In 1978, United States Congressman Leo Ryan and four others died when associates of cult leader, Jim Jones opened fire on them. Ryan flew to Guyana to look into concerns about the Jonestown cult. After mortally wounding these men, Jones directed nine hundred members to drink Kool-Aid laced with poison after first giving it to their children.
Why would intelligent people allow someone to brainwash them in such a drastic manner? Why do we allow Satan to claim a portion of our mind, cutting it off from God? Otherwise known as a stronghold.
What is a stronghold? Any problem or form of bondage such as drug addiction, alcoholism, emotional bondage, sexual addiction, or food addiction. When we fall for Satan’s lies, we have opened the door wide enough for him to set up a stronghold in our minds.
In these strongholds, Satan wages war on our minds, his favorite battlefield, and the one where he has much success. He builds a high wall, similar to a partition to prevent the godly knowledge we have from slipping into the stronghold area.
Today’s verse tells us the only weapons that bring down strongholds are spiritual weapons, such as prayer. Since this stronghold is in our minds, we have to pay careful attention to our thoughts, taking each one captive (2 Cor. 10:5).
Our minds should be set on things from above and not earthly or worldly things (Col. 3:2). Our thoughts affect our emotions and our responses to circumstances.
For example, when someone makes a critical comment about us, we can respond in two different ways. The way I used to respond before taking thoughts captive included feeling hurt and rejected. A discouraging dark cloud would follow me around for days.
Now I have discovered that I can’t control what they do or say, but I can control my reactions. I need to remove that thought from my mind and replace it with a truth From Scripture. I tend to use a verse that assures me of God’s love and acceptance.
Friend, as a child of God, you have the power and authority through prayer. You now know how to train your thoughts. Don’t live defeated under the influence of a stronghold. Live in victory as God designed you to live.
Heavenly Father, thank You for fighting my battles. Amen.
After reading the above passage, give some prayerful consideration to what strongholds need to be removed. Begin by praying and taking your thoughts captive today.
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Originally posted on April 29, 2022 @ 3:00 am
Great message! I have to stay on guard all the time for cracks reappearing in old strongholds. The enemy knows all my old weak spots and those are the areas I need to reinforce deeply in prayer. When I feel a crack opening up I find isolating myself to talk to God is the tool that works for me and if I am in a situation where I can not physically step away my mind detaches from the item that has chipped away creating a new crack that needs reinforced through prayer.
That’s great that you have a plan.