
Has Our Enemy Been Destroyed?

Today, a lot of “What if?” questions traveled through my mind. Do you know the type? I try not to entertain them often, nor the thoughts that come from a place of fear. God does not give us a spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1:7).
Then I read this verse. It states that our enemy, the devil, has been destroyed. Did you read that part? Why then, does he continue to stir up so much trouble?

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Can We Control Fear?

Terrorists no longer need planes. They can mow people over using a truck. The police who normally keep us safe are now being targeted, ambushed and killed. It can happen anytime and anywhere. Public bathrooms have become a hiding place for sexual predators. Our world no longer feels safe, and that frightens us.

Fear paralyzes us, keeping us from moving forward for Christ while it hinders us from achieving our dreams. It is one of Satan’s weapons. However, weapons may be formed against us, but they will not prosper (Is. 54:17 NKJV).

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