
When God’s Grace Isn’t Sufficient

“God, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but Your grace doesn’t feel very sufficient right now. I’m thinking it, and You know my thoughts, so I might as well say it. Your grace isn’t sufficient this time.”
After that bold prayer, I continued whimpering upon my bed. It had become my office.

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God’s Power and Your Problems

Does your life feel more like a tsunami instead of a sunny day at the beach? The hope you had yesterday has floated out to sea. Yesterday’s rejoicing has catapulted into today’s tears. You sift through the wreckage of your life as questions race through your mind. Why my child? Why my husband? How did this happen to us? Where did I go wrong? How did I not see this coming?

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Why am I Still Afraid?

Does an uncertain future hold some apprehension for you? The golden years hold many potentially overwhelming possibilities, especially for single women, widows, and even couples without children. Maybe you have a large family, but you don’t want to depend solely on them, and living independently as you age creates some trepidation.
We all know folks who are walking through these seasons right now. A sudden illness or accident might bring these thoughts to the forefront of our minds. Yes, God is my refuge and fortress. Yes, I trust in Him, but my mind travels to a time when I’m not as independent as I am today.

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When Stress Weighs You Down

What stresses you out? According to the American Psychological Association, money is the number one contributor to stress in America. Relationships, jobs, a busy schedule and especially a traffic jam can create stress.
This giant we call stress causes physical problems, emotional problems, and even spiritual problems. It can create rifts between family members and friends. It can consume so much of our life that we barely have time to breathe, much less time to pray. Is it even possible to remove the immense weight of stress that we bear?

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