Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him. (Genesis 40:23 NKJV)

It’s been two years since I began a journey of pain. I recall how it refused to let up, and one by one, my worsening condition forced me to make phone calls cancelling speaking events. Why couldn’t the doctors treat this horrific pain? Why wasn’t it getting better with physical therapy?

Instead, I limped around, screaming in pain whenever I tried to get in a car or lie down. Perhaps you know the disappointment of an interrupted life. It changes your plans as discouragement takes over.

Joseph’s life was interrupted for thirteen years. It began when his jealous brothers sold him into slavery. Once in Egypt, he obtained a good job with Potiphar, but he imprisoned Joseph when his wife made false allegations about Joseph taking liberties with her.

In prison, Joseph met two of Pharaoh’s staff: the butler and baker. They each had dreams that Joseph interpreted. The butler promised Joseph he would speak favorably about him to get him out of prison, but he forgot Joseph. Once again, Joseph’s life continued on a detour.

Do you think Joseph was confused by the interruptions in his life? It doesn’t seem like part of God’s plan. Why would God allow this? You’ve thought the same thing, wondering when life will return to normal.

God is sovereign. He controls all things, and He has plans that we cannot understand. He is more powerful than Satan, so Satan isn’t winning. If the enemy has laid a hand on us, it is only because God has allowed it in order for His purposes.

God is also good. Our loving Father is good toward us. He also works things together for good. This means that while not all things are good, God will weave them into the tapestry of our lives to make them good.

Spend some time thanking God for His goodness today. Grasp onto God’s sovereignty and trust Him while your life is being turned upside down. Do you think Joseph ever realized how his suffering could encourage so many of us? How can your trial be an encouragement for someone else?

Heavenly Father, I don’t understand the turn my life has taken, but I believe You are good and in control of all things, so I choose to trust You. I may have to make that choice one hundred times a day because doubt slips in, but help my unbelief. Amen.