By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king’s command.

(Hebrews 11:23 NKJV)

As mothers, we stand guard over our children. At some point, we might think nobody can do the job like we can. Not even God. That’s why we worry when they get sick, when they start acquiring independence, when they begin driving, and when they travel. It’s an ongoing struggle. Our complete trust in God begins slipping through the tiny cracks of doubt that exist in our flesh.

What would it look like if we could possess the perfect faith, one that resists the temptation to doubt? It would look like Jochebed, the mother of Moses. The future deliverer of Israel made his grand entrance into the world at the worst possible time for a baby boy. The Pharaoh had passed an edict to kill all male infants born to the Hebrew families in Egypt.

Like any loving momma staring into the precious face of her newborn, Jochebed couldn’t help but hide baby Moses. Perhaps he developed a good set of lungs, or the time had arrived for the rulers to search for baby boys, but Jochebed couldn’t keep Moses a secret any longer.

At three months old, Moses cooed grasping Jochebed’s finger holding on tightly. She was a momma on a mission to preserve her child’s life. Jochebed acted in faith, trusting God to deliver and protect her son. All along, God was guiding Jochebed with holy prodding’s. God was leading a momma in faith to follow the steps of His well-designed plan. This is a picture of providence at work: Momma’s faith and the heavenly Father’s plan working simultaneously.

Jochebed created a miniature ark. Then she wrapped baby Moses snuggly in his little boat. With tears streaming down her face, she set the sleeping infant afloat in the delta of the Nile River. Moses’ older sister Miriam watched from afar to see what would happen. As God’s perfect plan unfolded, pharaoh’s daughter and her maids came to the river to bathe. At that moment, baby Moses let out a heart-breaking cry. One look at the beautiful boy and the daughter of Pharaoh was hooked. She took the child to raise as her own.

One problem still needed a solution. Who would nurse the baby until he was weaned? Miriam was quick to volunteer her mother for the job. Imagine the shock and joy as Jochebed received her son back into her loving arms.

God honored the faith of Jochebed. She willingly let her son go, putting him into God’s hand. God returned baby Moses back to his birth mother.

Could we dare to stretch our faith? Could we see the plans of God unfold before our eyes if we did? Could we receive the honor of blessing that accompany a deep abiding faith? I want to say,” Yes!” Will you join me?

Heavenly Father, I want faith like Jochebed. Help me trust You more, and protect me from the temptation of doubt. Amen.


Read Exodus 2:1-10.


Where are you tempted to doubt God? Start at that point, committing it to much prayer and firm faith.


Coming in April… a new book: Walking by Faith, Not Sight: 30 Inspirational Moments with Iva (Guide Dog Tales Book 2). Learn more here!


Originally posted on March 12, 2021 @ 3:00 am