Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him;
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.

Psalm 37:7 NKJV

I don’t wait well. Can I get an “Amen?” I vividly remember the night I sat on my sofa texting. I even remember who I was texting and the conversation. Suddenly, my ears popped, like when you travel the mountains. But this was different. They didn’t pop back, and my hearing was greatly impaired.

All the doctors assured me it takes time for the fluid or the pressure to return to normal since I had an upper respiratory infection. They didn’t get it. Without sight, my safety depends on my ears.

Six weeks after the pop, I saw a specialist who diagnosed me with Sudden Sensory Neuro Hearing Loss, an emergency situation, and I had missed the window of opportunity for treatment. Oral steroids and injections in the ear never worked. Insurance wouldn’t cover the hyperbaric oxygen treatments or hearing aids.

Through all of this, God kept saying, “Wait.” Almost six months later, God restored my hearing, after the doctors had done all they could. Through it all, God never said, “No.”

When God delays, it isn’t a denial.

Mary and Martha couldn’t understand why Jesus delayed in coming when Lazarus became sick. He could have healed their brother, Lazarus from afar. They knew His miracles. They believed. Martha had cooked for Him while Mary worshipped Him. Jesus was a beloved friend. Why? Why did Jesus allow their brother to die?

Martha greets Jesus with a bold disappointment. Where were You? My brother is dead because You didn’t come. Mary echoes her sisters questioning.

Like Mary and Martha, we can’t grasp the Lord’s delay. We can’t understand how the death of a loved one can bring glory to God. We can’t fathom the dark valleys we travel. Peace and comfort evade us when life is bleak.

Jesus’ delay isn’t a denial.

Patience! That’s what we need, but before we can obtain an abundance of patience, we must first trust. I trust God, every day, in the good times. Trusting God in the dark is different and difficult. It requires a greater level of effort because the devil is working just as hard to keep us from a trust that can rest in the Lord.

Look at our verse. Trust secures rest. Otherwise, we are wrestling while we wait. Focus on God because He is bigger than the circumstance that is creating distress for you. This pays off because we can experience a restful wait, like I did with my hearing.

Next, do not fret. Worry, anxiety and fear are the enemies of a peaceful trusting patience. They torment us and tear down our faith.

I don’t know what storms you are navigating today, but I do know that God has His own timetable. Our inability to wait isn’t going to change His schedule. Until we hear His yes or no, we wait. Remember Lazarus. A delay isn’t a denial.

Lord Jesus, I don’t understand what is happening, but I trust You. I know You have a plan, so I choose to trust You while I wait. Amen.


Read John 11:1-44



Every time you sense doubt threatening your trust in the Lord, tell the devil you don’t want to hear his lies. Find a Scripture you can memorize or jot down to carry you through those times of battle.


Want to learn the secrets to an abiding faith that conquers fear, doubt, and worry? Click HERE



Originally posted on April 24, 2020 @ 3:04 am