having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,

Ephesians 1:5 NKJV

Has the blade of someone’s sharp tongue cut you wide open? Has someone walked away leaving you less than empty? Have you watered your pillow with a flood of tears?

My friend, life can be harsh, and people can be less than kind, but I have a go-to chapter I turn to when I feel the enemy’s lies trying to block out my Father’s truth. It’s Ephesians chapter one, and I’d love to share it with you today.

You are blessed, (verse 3) my friend. You are not someone’s burden, but you are a blessed child of God.

In verse four, we are chosen, holy, and blameless. Of all the people in the world, God has chosen you as His daughter. He has placed the righteousness of Christ on you. When He sees you, He sees holiness, with no blame.

We are predestined and adopted (verse 5). God chose you and me with the plan to mold us into Christ likeness. I love that we are adopted. When Paul wrote this epistle, adopted children were looked upon more favorably because that child had been chosen.

I love verse six because it says “He made us accepted in the beloved.” Not only does God love us, but He has accepted us, not as we were. He didn’t leave us in our mess and our sin. No, He cleaned us up. He made us acceptable to Him.

We are redeemed and forgiven (verse 7). He has covered us with His grace and Christ redeemed us with His precious blood. You, my friend, are forgiven, and now we are His heirs (verse 11).

And in verse thirteen, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. In Paul’s day, a king would use the seal of his ring to make a document legal. No one could break the seal, not even the king. The Holy Spirit is our seal, keeping us for our appointed day.

When I scroll through these verses, I feel worthy in the eyes of God. The enemy of our souls will use people and circumstances to stir up deceptive emotions. We feel unloved, unwanted, and unacceptable.

Oh, but my Father wrote a love letter to me, and Ephesians chapter one is my favorite section to read. There, I am told the facts. I am loved. I am wanted, and I am more than accepted. The devil wants us to believe God has turned His back on us because we messed up. Because someone messed us up.

When I read the truth, it puts the devil to shame. I remind him he is a liar and the father of all lies. The truth isn’t in him.

So, sweet friend, let them do the devil’s handiwork. You know different. You know the truth. You know the love of God, and you know just who you are in Christ.

Loving Father, You say I am accepted, blessed, and beloved. Help me remember these truths. Plant them deep in my soul. In Jesus’s name, amen.


Read Ephesians chapter one.


Read through Ephesians 1 and highlight your favorite verses. Commit one to memory.


Grasp a thorough understanding of God’s vast love for you in Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith





Originally posted on June 26, 2020 @ 3:00 am